A “Correspondent” is a natural person appointed by the CMA Office for a defined location (country, region, territory) for:
On the one hand, represent the CMA locally and make it known: objectives, values, actions, etc.
On the other hand, provide information useful for the action and collective reflection of the members of the CMA and the CA.
A member of the CMA, he undertakes, like any member, to respect the statutes and internal regulations.
To take advantage of this function, he will receive from the Bureau of the CMA a letter of accreditation which will specify:
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
The particular rights and duties which are attached to this function.
The limits of its local action and its scope of action, which will be defined in agreement with the General Delegate of its scope.
The conditions for covering any expenses, subject to prior authorization,
The term of office, renewable each year on the date of joining, on the basis of the objective indicators that will be put in place,
The possibility for him to indicate his function on his business card in the terms formulated by the CMA.
In conclusion, the functional role of the Correspondent comes under the communication and information system necessary for the proper organization and communication of the CMA.
If a person is interested in exercising this function in his territory, he can send his application to the email address: and giving all indications on his activities and explaining why he wishes to be a CMA correspondent on his territory.
His application will be studied with the greatest care.