The CMA recognizes itself in UNESCO's objective: "To contribute to the maintenance of peace and security by strengthening, through education, science and culture, collaboration between nations in order to ensure universal respect for justice, the law, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion ”.
Its own VALUES are: openness, curiosity, transversality, humanism, pragmatism, volunteering.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Putting the economy at the service of man and not the other way around
Consider the diversity of cultures and ideas as an asset
Adopt a global approach to learning
Promote synergies and innovations, global-local interaction, decompartmentalization, plural partnerships,
Promote exchanges without a position of superiority over one another.
Adopt and promote collaborative governance
Consider the person as one and indivisible (the CMA takes into account all the dimensions of the professional, personal and civic life of each person, for the benefit of all, in a global dimension, a decompartmentalized and socially responsible approach).