CAMPLUS flagship project of CMAtlv
The CAMPLUS project aims to provide, in camps where there are refugees and displaced people, the skills necessary to transform these places into learning territories thanks to the empowerment, training and support of 180 concrete project managers .
Created in 2005 by Yves ATTOU and a team of professionals from various apprenticeship professions made up of French, American, Chinese and Quebecers, under the aegis of the President of the General Conference of UNESCO, the Lifelong Learning World Committee (CMA or CMAtlv) is an association under French law 1901 which has decided to work for a culture of learning, understood as the possibility for each person to learn and develop their potential whatever their age and condition. It includes all sectors of society: cultural, civil, academic, associative, economic, institutional ...
In particular, the CMA has organized several World Forums for lifelong learning which have had an international impact: UNESCO Paris 2008, CHINA Shanghai 2010, MOROCCO Marrakech 2013, UNESCO and MUSEE D'ORSAY Paris 2015, SPAIN Madrid 2017.
In early 2017, thanks to its action and its ethics, the CMA was recognized as an NGO Official Partner of UNESCO with consultative status. We believe that this new status gives us increased responsibility towards individuals, private and public organizations and States. Since 2018, we have been an active member of the NGO Liaison Committee where we have become an active member.
At the same time, the CMA has decided to co-sign and co-sponsor the Charter for Universal Access to key European Skills, supported by the European Commission.
It actively opened up to the EU and the Council of Europe in 2018, integrating projects and commissions, both in Brussels and Strasbourg.
In February 2018, the founding president Yves ATTOU wished to step down. Alexandre GINOYER was elected president by the Bureau in accordance with the statutes, his position having been confirmed by the statutory assemblies of June 2018.